I think we're just about done with the server move. The redirector machine is doing less and less traffic, which means people's DNS is getting updated and they're hitting the new location directly now.
Instead of being down from 9pm-10pm last night we were down from 11:30-3:30 pm. And then we all went home. I was going to keep working but got tired and fell asleep.
I fucked up a number of things but in retrospect it could've been much worse.
Right now Dormando and I are working on getting all the new servers actually doing work. They're all installed now, but we have to set them up. We have two new webservers running, but 2 databases aren't doing anything right now... that's my job. Right now I'm syncing one up from the other, then we'll put them in the pool.
Now that we have space I think we'll just keep buying machines. I'm finally happy about our infrastructure. Plus, it's just going to get better. This rocks.
If things have sucked for you, hang on... in a few days if not sooner it should be just perfect.
Oh, before I forget--- I'd like to thank everybody that helped out last night:
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